Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our readers write in...

... which is a little weird because I just started this blog today, but who am I to argue?

Question: Why does the internet need another blog? It’s pretty crowded in here.

Answer: Because I needed a free and public outlet for my self-indulgence.

Question: Okay, but why a blog about Canadian writers?

Answer: Why not a blog about Canadian writers? Canadian writers are awesome! (Hey, I’m Canadian, and I’m a writer. That makes me awesome too!) But seriously, I don’t know if it’s national pride, involvement with the local writing community, or just the high level of quality (as perceived by me) of these books, but I’m drawn to Canadian books like a moose to maple syrup.

Question: Okay, so what? Are you just going to be all “Canada books R gr8! Blog@!”

Answer: You know, you’re starting to get on my nerves.

The goal of this blog is for me, and you, to discover 100 new Canadian authors, read their books, and talk about it.

The keyword here is “new.” This doesn’t mean new in the embryonic sense, or that they have only recently had their first book published, although either might also be true. It simply means discovering 100 homeland authors that I have not read before.

Discovering new writers is the best kind of nerd fun!